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dc.contributor.authorAltintzoglou, Themistoklis
dc.contributor.authorHeide, Morten
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this study was to reveal the influence of information about products processed with innovative processing technology (IPT) on consumers. The focus was placed on consumer perception of various types of information about the products and how they can carry the benefits of consuming such products. Innovative food processing technologies are not in the top of mind of Norwegian consumers. Their low knowledge generates skepticism when they hear about them, in contrary to more acceptable conventional processing technologies. However, communicating benefits from the use of these new technologies has a powerful potential towards future differentiation strategies, depending on the technology and food category. Convenience related to specific food categories, potentially due to increased self-life could be used to increase acceptance of a shift towards these innovative technologies. Additionally, communicating about specific environmental benefits from the use of innovative food processing technologies could increase acceptance and willingness to pay for food as a whole. Balanced information about the justification of changes in food production and processing is a valuable tool for increasing consumer acceptance and the avoidance of emotional reactions at a later stage, when technologies are broadly available and potentially communicated in an overdramatized manner by the media.
dc.description.abstractNorske forbrukere har generelt lite kunnskap om innovative matvareteknologier, noe som kan skape skepsis når de først hører om slike teknologier. Kommunikasjon om fordeler ved bruk av ny foredlingsteknologi har et stort potensial for fremtidige differensieringsstrategier, avhengig av teknologi og matvarekategori. For noen matkategorier kan innovativ teknologi føre til forlenget holdbarhet og dermed økt bekvemmelighet. Dette kan brukes til å øke aksept for et skifte inn mot disse innovative teknologiene. I tillegg kan informasjon om spesifikke miljøgevinster ved bruk av innovative matforedlingsteknologier øke aksept og betalingsvilje hos forbrukerne. Veloverveid informasjon rundt begrunnelsen for endringer i matproduksjon og foredling er et viktig verktøy for å øke forbrukeraksept og unngå negative, emosjonelle reaksjoner i etterkant – spesielt med tanke på overdramatisering i media.
dc.publisherNofima AS
dc.relation.ispartofNofima rapportserie
dc.relation.ispartofseriesNofima rapportserie
dc.titleConsumer reactions to communication about innovative processing technologies in iNOBox
dc.title.alternativeForbrukerreaksjoner rundt informasjon om ny teknologi innen matprosessering fra iNOBox
dc.typeResearch report
dc.relation.projectNofima AS: 12307
dc.relation.projectNorges forskningsråd: 281106

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