Publikasjoner fra CRIStin
Recent Submissions
(Research report, 2022)Multiple native European seaweed species are subject to growing interest from European policymakers, researchers, industry, and consumers alike as climate-smart alternatives to terrestrial crops and fossil-based industrial ... -
SEAMARK DELIVERABLE 7.1: Specification of flagship products and plan market strategy
(Research report, 2022)Seaweed cultivation is the fastest-growing form of aquaculture; however, it is still an underutilized resource. The main objective of SeaMark is to demonstrate how to scale up innovative seaweed cultivation and processing ... -
(Research report, 2024)The main objective of the SeaMark project is to demonstrate how to scale up innovative seaweed cultivation and processing into price-competitive product applications making the entire supply chain attractive for commercial ... -
Åkerbønner og erter; en kilde til proteinkonsentrat gjennom grønn bærekraftig teknologi. Råvarer, kjemisk innhold og prosessering
(Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2024)Denne rapporten søker å belyse innholdsstoffer i erter og åkerbønner og en beskrivelse om hva som skjer når disse råvarene behandles og prosesseres mot proteinkonsentrater. I prosessene inngår avskalling, finmaling og ... -
Canned complementary porridges for infants and young children (6–23 months) based on African indigenous crops; nutritional content, consistency, sensory, and affordability compared to traditional porridges based on maize and finger millet
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Child malnutrition is a major health problem in Sub-Saharan Africa. Complementary foods made from African indigenous and locally available raw materials are often low in protein and nutrients. It is, therefore, important ... -
Økt verdiskaping for norske kålvekster – delrapport 2. Effekt av produksjonsfaktorer på sensorisk- og helserelatert kvalitet i hodekål og blomkål
(Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2024)Nitrogen (N) og svovel (S) er viktige næringsstoffer for planter, som blir bl.a. brukt som byggesteiner i plantestoffer. Både total mengde av N og S og forhold mellom dem kan derfor påvirke kvaliteten av kålvekstene. ... -
Intracellular metabolome elucidates the time-of-day-dependent response to hydrogen peroxide in salmonid gill epithelial cells
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Quantification of fat content in the liver of different aquaculture fish species using hyperspectral image analysis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)Lipid accumulation in the liver compromises the health and robustness of farmed fish, yet there is a lack of high-throughput methods for accurately measuring liver fat. Hyperspectral imaging holds promise as a rapid and ... -
Impact of pre-treatments and bioprocessing on the carbohydrate and polyphenol profile of brewers’ spent grain
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Fish dispersal from a sabotage-mediated massive escape event
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Farm sabotage can cause massive fish escape events with significant ecological and socio-economic risks. This study examined the fate of Mediterranean seabass Dicentrarchus labrax escapees following a large-scale escape ... -
Reproductive biology of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus): a key to successful selective breeding
(Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2022)A detailed description of lumpfish reproductive biology has been described in terms of gonadal development using histological analysis and physiology using sex steroid development. This knowledge of basic reproductive ... -
Hyperspectral imaging and deep learning for parasite detection in white fish under industrial conditions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Parasites in fish muscle present a significant problem for the seafood industry in terms of both quality and health and safety, but the low contrast between parasites and fish tissue makes them exceedingly difficult to ... -
Need to Change, Want to Change, or Hard to Change? Targeting three dinner food waste profiles with regard to attitudes and personality traits
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In 2015, the United Nations’ sustainable development sub-goal 12.3 called for halving food waste per capita by 2030. In Norway, dinner leftovers are the largest consumer food waste category, particularly in households with ... -
Vekttap på RSW-lagret hvitfisk under påfølgende islagring og transport
(Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2024)Kort tid etter at fisken legges i RSW, begynner vekten å øke. Det er ikke dokumentert signifikant opptak av vann i muskel eller skinn ved lagring i RSW inntil tre dager, men en stor del av vektøkningen skyldes vannlommer ... -
Consequences of acute and long-term excessive iodine intake: A literature review focusing on seaweed as a potential dietary iodine source
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Macroalgae, also called seaweed, are becoming more widespread as food in Western diets. Seaweed can accumulate iodine, an essential nutrient for humans. However, some species of seaweed may contain very high amounts of ... -
Embryonic temperature influences the mucosal responses of Atlantic salmon alevins to a bacterial challenge
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The present work investigated the effects of embryonic temperature on the responses of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) alevins to a bacterial challenge using Yersinia ruckeri as a model pathogen. Embryos were reared at 4°C, ... -
Et mer bærekraftig teinefiske etter kongekrabbe ved økt antall rømningsveier
(Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2024)I dag brukes det utelukkende sammenleggbare en-kammerteiner for fangst av kongekrabbe på Finnmarkskysten. Målet i dette prosjektet var å dokumentere effektiviteten av kommersielle kongekrabbeteiner med lovpålagte ... -
Sjømatnæringens ringvirkninger – Verdiskaping og ringvirkninger fra norsk sjømatnæring for 2023
(Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2024)Sjømatnæringen i Norge sysselsatte i 2023, inkludert ringvirkninger, 96 000 personer, og den totale verdiskapingen var på 139 milliarder kroner. Verdiskapingen i sjømatnæringens kjernevirksomhet utgjorde over 78 milliarder ... -
Dynamic Multiblock Regression for Process Modelling
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The study introduces three novel strategies for incorporating capabilities for dynamic modelling into multiblock regression methods by integrating sequentially orthogonalised partial least squares (SO-PLS) with different ... -
Staphylococcus spp. eradication from surfaces by the engineered bacteriolytic enzymes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)Staphylococcus spp. are Gram-positive bacteria that can be opportunistic pathogens capable of causing life-threatening infections. Staphylococcus aureus, the most harmful species among them produces heat-resistant endotoxins, ...