Browsing Publikasjoner fra CRIStin by Author "Zhang, Dengjun"
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
Auction versus direct sale: the effect of buyers and sellers on prices
Sogn-Grundvåg, Geir; Zhang, Dengjun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This study examines the question of selling agricultural commodities by auction or directly. Hedonic price analysis using transaction data from the sale of frozen cod in Norway shows that buyer–seller matches explain 32.4 ... -
Auction versus direct sale: the effect of buyers and sellers on prices
Sogn-Grundvåg, Geir; Zhang, Dengjun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This study examines the question of selling agricultural commodities by auction or directly. Hedonic price analysis using transaction data from the sale of frozen cod in Norway shows that buyer–seller matches explain 32.4 ... -
Auksjon eller kontrakt? Råfisklagets omsetning av fryst hvitfisk
Sogn-Grundvåg, Geir; Zhang, Dengjun; Dreyer, Bent (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2019)Denne rapporten presenterer resultater fra analyse av Råfisklagets omsetning av ombordfryst torsk, hyse og sei for perioden 2009–2017. Resultatene viser at omsetning gjennom auksjon går ned og at salg på kontrakt øker. I ... -
Brands, Labels, and Product Longevity: The Case of Salmon in UK Grocery Retailing
Asche, Frank; Sogn-Grundvåg, Geir; Zhang, Dengjun; Cojocaru, Andreea-Laura; Young, James A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In recent years, the number of ecolabels and country-of-origin labels has grown substantially in seafood markets globally. This makes it more difficult for retailers and producers to communicate and demonstrate their ... -
Bruk av permitteringer og utenlandsk arbeidskraft i fiskeforedling. Deskriptiv statistikk og kvantitativ og kvalitativ analyse
Henriksen, Edgar; Pettersen, Ingrid Kristine; Zhang, Dengjun (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2017)I rapporten redegjøres for resultater fra en kvantitativ og kvalitativ analyse av bruk av permitteringer og utenlandsk arbeidskraft i norsk fiskeforedling. Den kvantitative analysen er basert på detaljert sysselsettingsstatistikk ... -
Commodities failing in auctions: The story of unsold cod in Norway
Sogn-Grundvåg, Geir; Zhang, Dengjun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study addresses how commodities that go unsold at auction perform when they are subsequently sold directly or at auction. Given that the share of unsold commodities is up to 50% in some markets, this is an important ... -
Competition in a fish auction: The case of Atlantic cod in Northern Norway
Sogn-Grundvåg, Geir; Zhang, Dengjun; Dreyer, Bent (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This study investigates the role of bidder numbers in fish auctions, a neglected area of past research and one that is of key importance for optimal use of limited marine resources. The study of a Norwegian auction for ... -
Credit constraints and the severity of COVID-19 impact: Empirical evidence from enterprise surveys
Zhang, Dengjun; Sogn-Grundvåg, Geir (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Eco-Labeling and Retailer Pricing Strategies: The U.K. Haddock Market
Zhang, Dengjun; Sogn-Grundvåg, Geir; Asche, Frank; Young, James A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)In attempts to differentiate their store imagery, grocery retailers frequently introduce new products, which are often rich in extrinsic attributes such as claims regarding healthiness and environmental sustainability. ... -
Eco-labels and product longevity: The case of whitefish in UK grocery retailing
Sogn-Grundvåg, Geir; Asche, Frank; Zhang, Dengjun; Young, James A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019) -
Eco-labels and product longevity: The case of whitefish in UK grocery retailing
Sogn-Grundvåg, Geir; Asche, Frank; Zhang, Dengjun; Young, James A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Evaluering av auksjonsplikten for fryst torsk og sei - Faglig sluttrapport
Sogn-Grundvåg, Geir; Bendiksen, Bjørn Inge; Nyrud, Thomas; Zhang, Dengjun (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2024)Denne rapporten evaluerer prøveordningen med delvis auksjonsplikt for fryst sløyd og hodekappet (H/G) torsk og sei som ble igangsatt ved årsskiftet 2021/2022. Muligheten for å overta egen fangst ble også fjernet. Ordningen ... -
Evaluering av auksjonsplikten for fryst torsk og sei. Delrapport 1
Sogn-Grundvåg, Geir; Bendiksen, Bjørn Inge; Nyrud, Thomas; Zhang, Dengjun (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2023) -
Fish quality and market performance: The case of the coastal fishery for Atlantic cod in Norway
Sogn-Grundvåg, Geir; Zhang, Dengjun; Henriksen, Edgar; Joensen, Sjúrður; Bendiksen, Bjørn Inge; Hermansen, Øystein (Journal article, 2021) -
Fishing methods for Atlantic cod and haddock: Quality and price versus costs
Sogn-Grundvåg, Geir; Zhang, Dengjun; Dreyer, Bent (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Fishing tactics and fish quality: The case of the coastal fishery for Atlantic cod in Norway
Sogn-Grundvåg, Geir; Zhang, Dengjun; Henriksen, Edgar; Joensen, Sjúrður; Bendiksen, Bjørn Inge; Hermansen, Øystein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Large buyers at a fish auction: The case of the Norwegian pelagic auction
Sogn-Grundvåg, Geir; Zhang, Dengjun; Iversen, Audun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Large-scale fisheries during the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of the oceangoing groundfish fleet in Norway
Asche, Frank; Sogn-Grundvåg, Geir; Zhang, Dengjun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Product forms and price transmission in major European salmon markets
Straume, Hans-Martin; Asche, Frank; Landazuri-Tveteraas, Ursula; Misund, Bård; Pettersen, Ingrid Kristine; Zhang, Dengjun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Product development is often an important component in increasing demand for successful aquaculture species. However, this topic has not received much attention due to limited data availability. In this paper, we investigate ... -
Starting high or low in English auctions? The case of frozen saithe in Norway
Sogn-Grundvåg, Geir; Zhang, Dengjun; Asche, Frank (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This study investigates the role of starting prices in sequentially ascending (English) auctions. Applying binary logit and hedonic price models on a unique data set comprising 8217 auctioned lots of frozen saithe, an ...