Blar i NOFIMA vitenarkiv på forfatter "Lunestad, Bjørn Tore"
A qualitative assessment of the risks of transmission of microorganisms to humans resulting from the consumption of raw milk and raw cream in Norway. Panel for Biological Hazards, Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Wasteson, Yngvild; Blom, Hans; Fossum, Kåre; Høiby, Ernst Arne; Narvhus, Judith; Håvarstein, Leiv Sigve; Kapperud, Georg; Lassen, Jørgen Fr; Lunestad, Bjørn Tore; Nesbakken, Truls; Rimstad, Espen; Robertson, Lucy; Skjerve, Eystein; Kruse, Hilde (VKM Report, Research report, 2006) -
Assessment of food quality and microbial safety of brown macroalgae (Alaria esculenta and Saccharina latissima)
Blikra, Marthe Jordbrekk; Løvdal, Trond; Vaka, Mette R.; Roiha, Irja S.; Lunestad, Bjørn Tore; Lindseth, Cecilie; Skipnes, Dagbjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Assessment of the risk from Salmonella occurring in feedingstuffs and the feed production process. Panel on Biological Hazards & Panel on Animal Health and Animal Welfare of the Norwegian Scientific Commmittee for Food Safety
Lunestad, Bjørn Tore; Fossum, Kåre; Lassen, Jørgen Fr; Nesbakken, Truls; Nesse, Live Lingaas; Rosnes, Jan Thomas; Svihus, Birger (VKM Report, Research report, 2006) -
Benefit and risk assessment of increasing potassium by replacement of sodium chloride with potassium chloride in industrial food Production. Opinion of the Scientific Steering Committee
Frølich, Wenche; Andreassen, Åshild Kristine; Arukwe, Augustine; Bernhoft, Aksel; Dahl, Knut Helkås; Eckner, Karl Fredrich; Haugen, Margaretha; Hemre, Gro Ingunn; Iversen, Per Ole; Kapperud, Georg; Källqvist, Torsten; Krogdahl, Åshild; Lassen, Jørgen Fr; Lunestad, Bjørn Tore; Lyche, Jan Ludvig; Næss, Bjørn; Rosnes, Jan Thomas; Steffensen, Inger-Lise; Skåre, Janneche Utne; Sundheim, Leif; Torrissen, Ole; Østerås, Olav; Alexander, Jan (VKM Report, Research report, 2014) -
Chlorhexidine compounds in cosmetic products Risk assessment of antimicrobial and antibiotic resistance development in microorganisms. Opinion of the Panel on Biological Hazards of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Lunestad, Bjørn Tore; Møretrø, Trond; Hegstad, Kristin; Langsrud, Solveig; Scheie, Anne Aamdal; Kapperud, Georg; Lassen, Jørgen Fr; Nygård, Karin Maria; Robertson, Lucy; Nesbakken, Truls; Olsvik, Ørjan; Tranulis, Michael A.; Tryland, Morten; Rimstad, Espen (VKM Report, Research report, 2010) -
Microbial growth in modified atmosphere packaged blue mussels (Mytilus edulis)
Rosnes, Jan Thomas; Kleiberg, Gro haugvaldstad; Sivertsvik, Morten; Øines, Sigurd; Prante, Per Henrik; Lunestad, Bjørn Tore; Lorentzen, Grete Elisabeth (Chapter, 2006) -
Microbiological food safety of seaweeds
Løvdal, Trond; Lunestad, Bjørn Tore; Myrmel, Mette; Rosnes, Jan Thomas; Skipnes, Dagbjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Risk assessment on the use of triclosan in cosmetics. Prepared by the Scientific Committee in cooperation with the Panel on Biological Hazards and the Panel on Food Additives, Flavourings, Processing Aids, Materials in contact with Food and Cosmetics
Krogdahl, Åshild; Alexander, Jan; Andersen, Lene Frost; Dybing, Erik; Farstad, Wenche Kristin; Heir, Even; Husøy, Trine; Høiby, Arne; Kapperud, Georg; Kruse, Hilde; Lassen, Jørgen Fredrik; Lie, Øyvind; Lundebye, Anne-Katrine; Lunestad, Bjørn Tore; Løvik, Martinus; Naterstad, Kristine; Narvhus, Judith Ann; Nes, Ingolf; Nesbakken, Truls; Næss, Bjørn; Paulsen, Jan Erik; Rimstad, Espen; Robertson, Lucy Jane; Sanner, Tore; Scheie, Anne Aamdal; Skjerve, Eystein; Skåre, Janneche Utne; Steffensen, Inger-Lise; Sundheim, Leif; Wasteson, Yngvild (VKM Report, Research report, 2005) -
Small-Scale Comparative Genomic Analysis of Listeria monocytogenes Isolated from Environments of Salmon Processing Plants and Human Cases in Norway
Løvdal, Trond Karsten; Brandal, Lin Cathrine T.; Sundaram, Arvind; Naseer, Umaer; Roth, Bjørn; Lunestad, Bjørn Tore (Journal article, 2021)Listeria monocytogenes is a food-borne bacterium that give rise to the potentially life-threatening disease listeriosis. Listeriosis has been mandatorily notifiable in Norway since 1991. All clinical L. monocytogenes ...