Browsing NOFIMA vitenarkiv by Author "Myhrer, Kristine S."
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Chicken fillets subjected to UV-C and pulsed UV light: Reduction of pathogenic and spoilage bacteria, and changes in sensory quality
McLeod, Anette; Liland, Kristian Hovde; Haugen, John-Erik; Sørheim, Oddvin; Myhrer, Kristine S.; Holck, Askild Lorentz (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017) -
Co-fermentation Involving Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Lactobacillus Species Tolerant to Brewing-Related Stress Factors for Controlled and Rapid Production of Sour Beer
Dysvik, Anna; Leanti La Rosa, Sabina; Liland, Kristian Hovde; Myhrer, Kristine S.; Østlie, Hilde Marit; De Rouck, Gert; Rukke, Elling-Olav; Westereng, Bjørge; Wicklund, Trude (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)ncreasing popularity of sour beer urges the development of novel solutions for controlled fermentations both for fast acidification and consistency in product flavor and quality. One possible approach is the use of ... -
Influence of different genetic polymorphisms of aS1- and k-casein on Havarti-type cheese: Effects on cheese-making efficiency and cheesequality
Olsen, Martine Andrea; Ketto, Isaya Appelesy; Øyaas, Jorun; Abdelghani, Ahmed; Myhrer, Kristine S.; Skeie, Siv Borghild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Influence of different genetic polymorphisms of α<inf>S1</inf>- and κ-casein on Havarti-type cheese: Effects on cheese-making efficiency and cheese quality
Olsen, Martine Andrea; Ketto, Isaya Appelesy; Øyaas, Jorun; Abdelghani, Ahmed; Myhrer, Kristine S.; Skeie, Siv Borghild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Listening to children voices in early stages of new product development through co-creation – Creative focus group and online platform
Galler, Martina; Myhrer, Kristine S.; Ares, Gastón; Varela, Paula (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)To tackle current nutritional issues like obesity, it could be valuable to involve children in the development of healthy food products that they will actively chose and enjoy. The aims of the present exploratory study ... -
Meat analogues from a faba bean concentrate can be generated by high moisture extrusion
do Carmo, Cátia Saldanha; Knutsen, Svein Halvor; Malizia, Giulia Sofia; Tzvetelin, Dessev; Geny, Alexia; Zobel, Hanne; Myhrer, Kristine S.; Varela, Paula; Sahlstrøm, Stefan (Journal article, 2021)The main objective of this study was to investigate the feasibility of production of meat analogues from a faba bean protein concentrate (obtained from dry fractionation) using high-moisture extrusion (HME). The impact of ... -
Meat replacer? No thanks! The clash between naturalness and processing: An explorative study of the perception of plant-based foods
Varela, Paula; Arvisenet, Gaëlle; Gonera, Antje; Myhrer, Kristine S.; Fifi, Viridiana; Valentin, Dominique (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)A shift towards a plant-based diet is desired to promote sustainability, improve health, and minimize animal suffering. However, many consumers are not willing to make such a transition, because of attachment to meat and ... -
Need to Change, Want to Change, or Hard to Change? Targeting three dinner food waste profiles with regard to attitudes and personality traits
Myhrer, Kristine S.; Øvrum Gaarder, Mari; Berget, Ingunn; Almli, Valerie Lengard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In 2015, the United Nations’ sustainable development sub-goal 12.3 called for halving food waste per capita by 2030. In Norway, dinner leftovers are the largest consumer food waste category, particularly in households with ... -
Need to Change, Want to Change, or Hard to Change? Targeting three dinner food waste profiles with regard to attitudes and personality traits
Myhrer, Kristine S.; Øvrum Gaarder, Mari; Berget, Ingunn; Almli, Valerie Lengard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In 2015, the United Nations’ sustainable development sub-goal 12.3 called for halving food waste per capita by 2030. In Norway, dinner leftovers are the largest consumer food waste category, particularly in households with ... -
Pre-fermentation with lactic acid bacteria in sour beer production
Dysvik, Anna; Liland, Kristian Hovde; Myhrer, Kristine S.; Westereng, Bjørge; Rukke, Elling-Olav; de Rouck, Gert; Wicklund, Trude (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019) -
Prosessoptimalisering og mulig bruk av salterstattere med tanke på saltreduksjon i røkte lakseprodukter (OptiSalm. Delrapport for sensorisk profilering av røkt laks med salterstattere
Gaarder, Mari Øvrum; Myhrer, Kristine S.; Holck, Askild Lorentz; Heir, Even (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2021) -
Secondary lactic acid bacteria fermentation with wood-derived xylooligosaccharides as a tool to expedite sour beer production
Dysvik, Anna; Leanti La Rosa, Sabina; Buffetto, Fanny; Hovde Liland, Kristian; Myhrer, Kristine S.; Rukke, Elling-Olav; Wicklund, Trude; Westereng, Bjørge (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019) -
The impact of extrusion parameters on physicochemical, nutritional and sensorial properties of expanded snacks from pea and oat fractions
do Carmo, Cátia Saldanha; Varela, Paula; Poudroux, Claire; Dessev, Tzvetelin; Myhrer, Kristine S.; Rieder, Anne; Zobel, Hanne; Sahlstrøm, Stefan; Knutsen, Svein Halvor (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The objective of this study was to explore the production of an expanded snack entirely based on pea- and oatrich fractions using the extrusion technology. The effect of the die temperature, HZ6 (146–175 °C) and blend ... -
Økt verdiskaping for norske kålvekster – delrapport 2. Effekt av produksjonsfaktorer på sensorisk- og helserelatert kvalitet i hodekål og blomkål
Borge, Grethe Iren Andersen; Schmidt, Gesine; Myhrer, Kristine S.; Varela, Paula; Hagen, Sidsel Fiskaa; Guren, Gerd; Vågen, Ingunn Molund (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2024)Nitrogen (N) og svovel (S) er viktige næringsstoffer for planter, som blir bl.a. brukt som byggesteiner i plantestoffer. Både total mengde av N og S og forhold mellom dem kan derfor påvirke kvaliteten av kålvekstene. ... -
Økt verdiskaping for norske kålvekster – kartlegging av sensorisk kvalitet og plantestoffer i hodekål, blomkål og bladkål (KålSmak). Delrapport 1
Borge, Grethe Iren Andersen; Schmidt, Gesine; Myhrer, Kristine S.; Varela, Paula; Hagen, Sidsel Fiskaa; Guren, Gerd; Vågen, Ingunn Molund (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2024)Grønnsaker har hatt en økende omsetning senere år, men kålvekster har ikke hatt samme økning. Prosjektets kompetanseløft skal bidra til økt verdiskaping av norske kålvekster gjennom å etablere og å formidle kunnskap om ...