Browsing NOFIMA vitenarkiv by Author "Varela, Paula"
Now showing items 1-20 of 75
A discussion of recent methodologies for combining sensory and extrinsic product properties in consumer studies
Asioli, Daniele; Varela, Paula; Hersleth, Margrethe; Almli, Valerie Lengard; Olsen, Nina Veflen; Næs, Tormod (Journal article, 2016)Understanding the interaction of sensory and extrinsic product attributes in consumer preferences has been identified as one of the key pillars for raising the likelihood of food products’ success in the market. Over the ... -
A food and beverage map: Exploring food-beverage pairing through projective mapping
Arellano-Covarrubias, Araceli; Varela, Paula; Escalona-Buendía, Héctor B.; Gómez-Corona, Carlos (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Assessment of global and individual reproducibility of projective mapping with consumers
VIDAL, LETICIA; CADENA, RAFAEL SILVA; CORREA, SILVANA; ÁBALOS, ROSA A.; GÓMEZ, BEATRIZ; GIMÉNEZ, ANA; Varela, Paula; Ares, Gaston (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)The popularity of projective mapping with consumers for sensory characterization has markedly increased in the last 5 years. To have confidence in this methodology,it is necessary to ensure that a similar product profile ... -
Attentional capture and importance of package attributes for consumers' perceived similarities and differences among products: A case study with breakfast cereal packages
Varela, Paula; Antúnes, Lucía; Cadena, Rafael Silva; Giménes, Ana; Ares, Gastón (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014) -
Bringing down barriers to children’s healthy eating: a critical review of opportunities, within a complex food system
Varela, Paula; De Rosso, Sofia; Moura, Andreia Ferreira; Galler, Martina; Philippe, Kaat; Pickard, Abigail; Rageliene, Tija; Sick, Julia; van Nee, Roselinde; Almli, Valerie Isabelle Lengard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This narrative review revises the scientific evidence of recent years on healthy eating in children and adolescents, making sense of promising avenues of action, from a food system perspective. A conceptual framework is ... -
Can children use temporal sensory methods to describe visual and food stimuli?
Velázquez, Ana Laura; Vidal, Leticia; Varela, Paula; Ares, Gastón (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Sensory scientists have adapted several sensory methods to fit children’s cognitive abilities according to their different developmental stages. Although children have been reported to be able to use sensory methods to ... -
Can children use the A-not a test?
Velázquez, Ana Laura; Vidal, Leticia; Varela, Paula; Ares, Gastón (Others, 2022)Sensory scientists have adapted several sensory methods to fit children's cognitive abilities. Although several discrimination methods have been reported with children, the A-not-A test has not been studied yet. The aims ... -
Can consumer segmentation in projective mapping contribute to a better understanding of consumer perception?
Vidal, Leticia; Antúnes, Lucía; Giménez, Ana; Varela, Paula; Deliza, Rosires; Ares, Gaston (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)In projective mapping tasks assessors create an overall representation of the similarities and differences among samples by relying on a process of synthesis for analyzing and processing sensory information. Individual ... -
Canned complementary porridges for infants and young children (6–23 months) based on African indigenous crops; nutritional content, consistency, sensory, and affordability compared to traditional porridges based on maize and finger millet
Løvdal, Trond; Skaret, Josefine; Drobac, Gorana; Okole, Blessed; Sone, Izumi; Rosa-Sibakov, Natalia; Varela, Paula (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Child malnutrition is a major health problem in Sub-Saharan Africa. Complementary foods made from African indigenous and locally available raw materials are often low in protein and nutrients. It is, therefore, important ... -
Capturing food-elicited emotions: Facial decoding of children’s implicit and explicit responses to tasted samples
Galler, Martina; Grendstad, Åse Riseng; Ares, Gastón; Varela, Paula (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Sensory and consumer research increasingly aims to gain direct input from children to study their eating behaviour. However, answering self-administered questionnaires can be challenging for children. In this sense, the ... -
Children as food designers: The potential of co-creation to make the healthy choice the preferred one
Galler, Martina; Gonera, Antje; Varela, Paula (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)According to the WHO, childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges of the twenty-first century. In this context, finding ways to make the healthier food choices the preferred ones can be a valuable ... -
Children’s sweet tooth: Explicit ratings vs. Implicit bias measured by the Approach avoidance task (AAT)
Galler, Martina; Mikkelsen, Emma; Næs, Tormod; Liland, Kristian Hovde; Ares, Gastón; Varela, Paula (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The study aimed to assess the application of the Approach avoidance task (AAT) with children to measure implicit motivational tendencies towards foods differing in sweetness and calorie content and to explore the relationship ... -
Clustering consumers based on product discrimination in check-all-that-apply (CATA) data
Castura, J.C; Meyners, M.; Varela, Paula; Næs, Tormod (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Consumers can be clustered based on their product-related check-all-that-apply (CATA) responses. We identify two paradoxes that can occur if these clusters are derived from conventional similarity coefficients. The first ... -
Co-creation of a healthy dairy product with and for children
Velázquez, Ana Laura; Galler, Martina; Vidal, Leticia; Varela, Paula; Ares, Gastón (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Children's involvement in new product development may contribute to ensure that healthy alternatives meet their wants and needs. Co-creation is a potential approach to bridge the world of the child and the grown-up product ... -
Comparison of Different Ways of Handling L-shaped Data for Integrating Sensory and Consumer Information
Asioli, Daniele; Nguyen, Quoc Cuong; Varela, Paula; Næs, Tormod (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Different approaches for handling L-shaped data are compared for the first time in a study conducted with Norwegian consumers. Consumers (n = 101) valuated eight different yoghurt profiles varying in three intrinsic ... -
Connecting flavors in social media: A cross cultural study with beer pairing
Arellano-Covarrubias, Araceli; Gómez-Corona, Carlos; Varela, Paula; Escalona-Buendía, Héctor B. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Consumer’s categorization of food ingredients: Do consumers perceive them as ‘clean label’ producers expect? An exploration with projective mapping
Aschemann-Witzel, Jessica; Varela, Paula; Peschel, A.O. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Consumers are said to increasingly assess processed food in terms of whether or not they perceive it to be ‘clean label’ food. This term refers to what is seen as little processed and ‘natural’ or ‘free from’ negatively ... -
Cross-modal interactions as a strategy for sugar reduction in products targeted at children: Case study with vanilla milk desserts
Velázquez, Ana; Vidal, Leticia; Varela, Paula; Ares, Gastón (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The high availability of products with high sugar content, particularly among those targeted as children, has been identified as one of the factors that contribute to the childhood obesity epidemic. For this reason, product ... -
Design-led innovation for more plant-based food: An interdisciplinary approach to more consumer-centric product development
Gonera, Antje; Milford, Anna Birgitte; Prexl, Katja-Maria; Romm, Jonathan; Varela, Paula (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Development of food literacy in children and adolescents: implications for the design of strategies to promote healthier and more sustainable diets
Ares, Gastón; De Rosso, Sofia; Mueller, Carina; Phillipe, Kaat; Pickard, Abigail; Nicklaus, Sophie; van Kleef, Ellen; Varela, Paula (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Food literacy has emerged as a key individual trait to promote the transformation of food systems toward healthy and sustainable diets. Childhood and adolescence are key periods for establishing the foundations of eating ...