Browsing NOFIMA vitenarkiv by Author "Rimstad, Espen"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
A qualitative assessment of the risks of transmission of microorganisms to humans resulting from the consumption of raw milk and raw cream in Norway. Panel for Biological Hazards, Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Wasteson, Yngvild; Blom, Hans; Fossum, Kåre; Høiby, Ernst Arne; Narvhus, Judith; Håvarstein, Leiv Sigve; Kapperud, Georg; Lassen, Jørgen Fr; Lunestad, Bjørn Tore; Nesbakken, Truls; Rimstad, Espen; Robertson, Lucy; Skjerve, Eystein; Kruse, Hilde (VKM Report, Research report, 2006) -
Antiviral Responses and Biological Concequences of Piscine orthoreovirus Infection in Salmonid Erythrocytes
Wessel, Øystein; Krasnov, Aleksei; Timmerhaus, Gerrit; Rimstad, Espen; Dahle, Maria (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Salmonid red blood cells are the main target cells for Piscine orthoreovirus (PRV). Three genotypes of PRV (PRV-1,2,3) infect Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), Chinook salmon (Onchorhynchus tshawytscha), Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus ... -
Cellular heterogeneity in red and melanized focal muscle changes in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) visualized by spatial transcriptomics
Bjørgen, Håvard; Malik, Muhammad Salman; Rimstad, Espen; Vaadal, Marianne; Nyman, Ingvild Berg; Koppang, Erling Olaf; Tengs, Torstein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Spatial transcriptomics is a technique that provides insight into gene expression profiles in tissue sections while retaining structural information. We have employed this method to study the pathological conditions related ... -
Chlorhexidine compounds in cosmetic products Risk assessment of antimicrobial and antibiotic resistance development in microorganisms. Opinion of the Panel on Biological Hazards of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Lunestad, Bjørn Tore; Møretrø, Trond; Hegstad, Kristin; Langsrud, Solveig; Scheie, Anne Aamdal; Kapperud, Georg; Lassen, Jørgen Fr; Nygård, Karin Maria; Robertson, Lucy; Nesbakken, Truls; Olsvik, Ørjan; Tranulis, Michael A.; Tryland, Morten; Rimstad, Espen (VKM Report, Research report, 2010) -
Environmental risk assessment of genetically modified sterile VIRGIN® Atlantic salmon for use in research trials in aquaculture sea-cages
Hindar, Kjetil; Bodin, Johanna Eva; Duale, Nur; Jevnaker, Anne-Marthe Ganes; Garseth, Åse Helen; Malmstrøm, Martin; Prydz, Kristian; Sipinen, Ville Erling; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Berg, Paul Ragnar; Dalen, Knut Tomas; Mo, Tor Atle; Olesen, Ingrid; Rimstad, Espen; Velle, Gaute (Others, 2023)One of the substantial environmental challenges posed by the aquaculture industry is the escape of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), which can mate with wild Atlantic salmon and alter the genetic composition of the ... -
Environmental risk assessment of genetically modified sterile VIRGIN® Atlantic salmon for use in research trials in aquaculture sea-cages
Hindar, Kjetil; Bodin, Johanna Eva; Duale, Nur; Jevnaker, Anne-Marthe Ganes; Garseth, Åse Helen; Malmstrøm, Martin; Prydz, Kristian; Sipinen, Ville Erling; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Berg, Paul Ragnar; Dalen, Knut Tomas; Mo, Tor Atle; Olesen, Ingrid; Rimstad, Espen; Velle, Gaute (Others, 2023)One of the substantial environmental challenges posed by the aquaculture industry is the escape of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), which can mate with wild Atlantic salmon and alter the genetic composition of the ... -
Environmental risk assessment of genetically modified sterile VIRGIN® Atlantic salmon for use in research trials in aquaculture sea-cages
Hindar, Kjetil; Bodin, Johanna Eva; Duale, Nur; Jevnaker, Anne-Marthe Ganes; Garseth, Åse Helen; Malmstrøm, Martin; Prydz, Kristian; Sipinen, Ville Erling; Thorstad, Eva Bonsak; Berg, Paul Ragnar; Dalen, Knut Tomas; Mo, Tor Atle; Olesen, Ingrid; Rimstad, Espen; Velle, Gaute (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)One of the substantial environmental challenges posed by the aquaculture industry is the escape of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), which can mate with wild Atlantic salmon and alter the genetic composition of the ... -
Evaluating Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) as a Natural or Alternative Host for Piscine Myocarditis Virus (PMCV) Infection
Nyman, Ingvild Berg; Wessel, Øystein; Bjørgen, Håvard; Alarcon, Marta; Tengs, Torstein; Rimstad, Espen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Experimental Piscine orthoreovirus infection mediates protection against pancreas disease in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Lund, Morten; Røsæg, Magnus Vikan; Krasnov, Aleksei; Timmerhaus, Gerrit; Nyman, Ingvild Berg; Aspehaug, Vidar; Rimstad, Espen; Dahle, Maria Krudtaa (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Hypoxia tolerance and responses to hypoxic stress during heart and skeletal muscle inflammation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Lund, Morten; Dahle, Maria Krudtaa; Timmerhaus, Gerrit; Alarcon, Marta; Powell, Mark; Aspehaug, Vidar; Rimstad, Espen; Jørgensen, Sven Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017) -
Piscine orthoreovirus-1 isolates differ in their ability to induce heart and skeletal muscle inflammation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Wessel, Øystein; Hansen, Elisabeth Furuseth; Dahle, Maria; Alarcon, Marta; Vatne, Nina Askim; Nyman, Ingvild Berg; Soleim, Karen Bækken; Kannimuthu, Dhamotharan; Timmerhaus, Gerrit; Markussen, Turhan Ali Dadasbilge; Lund, Morten; Aanes, Håvard; Devold, Magnus; Inami, Makoto; Løvoll, Marie; Rimstad, Espen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Piscine orthoreovirus 1 (PRV-1) is the causative agent of heart and skeletal muscle inflammation (HSMI) in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). The virus is widespread in Atlantic salmon and was present in Norway long ... -
Risk assessment on the use of triclosan in cosmetics. Prepared by the Scientific Committee in cooperation with the Panel on Biological Hazards and the Panel on Food Additives, Flavourings, Processing Aids, Materials in contact with Food and Cosmetics
Krogdahl, Åshild; Alexander, Jan; Andersen, Lene Frost; Dybing, Erik; Farstad, Wenche Kristin; Heir, Even; Husøy, Trine; Høiby, Arne; Kapperud, Georg; Kruse, Hilde; Lassen, Jørgen Fredrik; Lie, Øyvind; Lundebye, Anne-Katrine; Lunestad, Bjørn Tore; Løvik, Martinus; Naterstad, Kristine; Narvhus, Judith Ann; Nes, Ingolf; Nesbakken, Truls; Næss, Bjørn; Paulsen, Jan Erik; Rimstad, Espen; Robertson, Lucy Jane; Sanner, Tore; Scheie, Anne Aamdal; Skjerve, Eystein; Skåre, Janneche Utne; Steffensen, Inger-Lise; Sundheim, Leif; Wasteson, Yngvild (VKM Report, Research report, 2005) -
Triploid Atlantic salmon in aquaculture - Consequences for fish health and welfare under farming conditions
Rimstad, Espen; Basic, Dean; Espmark, Åsa Maria Olofsdotter; Fraser, Thomas; Gulla, Snorre; Johansen, Johan; Mo, Tor Atle; Olesen, Ingrid; Olsen, Rolf Erik; Bø-Granquist, Erik Georg; Ptochos, Sokratis; Sayyari, Amin; Ytrehus, Bjørnar (VKM Report, Research report, 2023) -
Vurdering av GellyFeed metoden som hygienisering ved bruk av akvakulturdyr i fôr til akvakulturdyr. Uttalelse fra Faggruppe for fôr til terrestriske og akvatiske dyr i Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet
Møretrø, Trond; Hjeltnes, Brit Kristine; Nesse, Live Lingaas; Rimstad, Espen; Torrissen, Ole; Amlund, Heidi; Bernhoft, Aksel; Hemre, Gro Ingunn; Jensen, Bjørn; Svihus, Birger; Aursand, Marit (VKM Report, Research report, 2008)