Blar i NOFIMA vitenarkiv på forfatter "Sahlstrøm, Stefan"
Changes in relative molecular weight distribution of soluble barley beta-glucan during passage through the small intestine of pigs
Holtekjølen, Ann Katrin; Vhile, Stine Gregersen; Sahlstrøm, Stefan; Knutsen, Svein Halvor; Uhlen, Anne Kjersti; Åssveen, Mauritz; Kjos, Nils Petter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014) -
Evaluation of Ethiopian Barleys Genetic Variation for Agronomic and Nutritional Quality Traits in Northern Ethiopia
Abraha, Addis; Uhlen, Anne Kjersti; Abay, Fetien; Sahlstrøm, Stefan; Bjørnstad, Åsmund (Journal article, 2018) -
Evaluation of gastric processing and duodenal digestion of starch in six cereal meals on the associated glycaemic response using an adult fasted dynamic gastric model
Ballance, Simon; Sahlstrøm, Stefan; Lea, Per; Nagy, Nina Elisabeth; Andersen, Petter V.; Dessev, Tzvetelin; Hull, Sarah; Vardakou, Maria; Faulks, Richard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)Purpose: To identify the key parameters involved in cereal starch digestion and associated glycaemic response by the utilisation of a dynamic gastro-duodenal digestion model. Methods: Potential plasma glucose loading curves ... -
Factors affecting intake, metabolism and health benefits of phenolic acids: do we understand individual variability?
Bento-Silva, Andreia; Koistinen, Ville M.; Mena, Pedro; Bronze, Maria R.; Hanhineva, Kati; Sahlstrøm, Stefan; Kitrytė, Vaida; Moco, Sofia; Aura, Anna-Marja (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Introduction Phenolic acids are important phenolic compounds widespread in foods, contributing to nutritional and organoleptic properties. Factors affceting individual variability The bioavailability of these compounds ... -
Factors affecting intake, metabolism and health benefits of phenolic acids: do we understand individual variability?
Bento-Silva, Andrela; Kolstinen, Ville M.; Mena, Pedro; Bronze, Marla R.; Hanhineva, Kati; Sahlstrøm, Stefan; Kitrytè, Valda; Moco, Sofia; Aura, Anna-Marja (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Introduction Phenolic acids are important phenolic compounds widespread in foods, contributing to nutritional and organoleptic properties. Factors affceting individual variability The bioavailability of these compounds ... -
Heat-induced reduction of deoxynivalenol and its modified forms during flaking and cooking of oat
Hole, Anastasia s.; Rud, Ida; Sahlstrøm, Stefan; Ivanova, Lada; Eriksen, Gunnar Sundstøl; Divon, Hege (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Is dehulling of peas and faba beans necessary prior to dry fractionation for the production of protein- and starch-rich fractions? Impact on physical properties, chemical composition and techno-functional properties
do Carmo, Cátia Saldanha; Silventoinen, Pia; Nordgård, Catherine Taylor; Poudroux, Claire; Dessev, Tzevetelin; Zobel, Hanne; Holtekjølen, Ann Katrin; Draget, Kurt Ingar; Holopainen-Mantila, Ulla; Knutsen, Svein Halvor; Sahlstrøm, Stefan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Dehulling of peas and faba beans prior to milling and air classification was evaluated, namely its impact on physical properties, chemical composition and techno-functional properties of the fractions. Dry fractionation ... -
Kartlegging av restråstoff fra jordbruket
Lindberg, Diana; Aaby, Kjersti; Borge, Grethe Iren Andersen; Haugen, John-Erik; Nilsson, Astrid; Rødbotten, Rune; Sahlstrøm, Stefan (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2016)Med denne rapporten ønsker vi å bidra til en bedre oversikt over volum, sammensetning, kvalitet, anvendelse og nye muligheter for bruk av restråstoff fra norske industriell bearbeiding av cerealer, kjøtt, planteoljer, ... -
Meat analogues from a faba bean concentrate can be generated by high moisture extrusion
do Carmo, Cátia Saldanha; Knutsen, Svein Halvor; Malizia, Giulia Sofia; Tzvetelin, Dessev; Geny, Alexia; Zobel, Hanne; Myhrer, Kristine S.; Varela, Paula; Sahlstrøm, Stefan (Journal article, 2021)The main objective of this study was to investigate the feasibility of production of meat analogues from a faba bean protein concentrate (obtained from dry fractionation) using high-moisture extrusion (HME). The impact of ... -
Meat Analogues from Pea Protein: Effect of Different Oat Protein Concentrates and Post Treatment on Selected Technological Properties of High-Moisture Extrudates
Gaber, Sara Mohamed; Knezevic, Dejan; do Carmo, Cátia Saldanha; Zobel, Hanne; Knutsen, Svein Halvor; Sahlstrøm, Stefan; Dessev, Tzvetelin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The effect of using oat protein concentrates from different sources on the techno/functional properties of pea protein high-moisture extrudates (HME) have been investigated. The oat protein fractions were commercially ... -
Process-Induced Changes in the Quantity and Characteristics of Grain Dietary Fiber
Maina, Ndegwa H.; Rieder, Anne; De Bondt, Yamina; Mäkelä-Salmi, Noora; Sahlstrøm, Stefan; Mattila, Outi; Lamothe, Lisa M.; Nyström, Laura; Courtin, Christophe M.; Katina, Kati; Poutanen, Kaisa S. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Daily use of wholegrain foods is generally recommended due to strong epidemiological evidence of reduced risk of chronic diseases. Cereal grains, especially the bran part, have a high content of dietary fiber (DF). Cereal ... -
Rapid and Nondestructive Determination of Aleurone Content in Pearling Fractions of Barley by Near-Infrared (NIR) and Fluorescence Spectroscopies
Wold, Jens Petter; Airado-Rodriguez, Diego; Holtekjølen, Ann Katrin; Holopainen-Mantila, Ulla; Sahlstrøm, Stefan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)The aim of the present work was to develop and evaluate near-infrared (NIR) and fluorescence spectroscopies as rapid and potential online methods for determination of the amount of aleurone in pearling dust fractions of ... -
Texturized vegetable protein from a faba bean protein concentrate and an oat fraction: Impact on physicochemical, nutritional, textural and sensory properties
do Carmo, Cátia Saldanha; Rieder, Anne; Varela, Paula; Zobel, Hanne; Dessev, Tzvetelin; Nersten, Solveig; Mohamed, Sara Mohamed Gaber; Sahlstrøm, Stefan; Knutsen, Svein Halvor (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Texturized vegetable protein (TVP) from a blend of faba bean protein concentrate and an oat beta-glucan rich fraction was produced by low-moisture extrusion to combine nutritional benefits of both ingredients. The effect ... -
The impact of extrusion parameters on physicochemical, nutritional and sensorial properties of expanded snacks from pea and oat fractions
do Carmo, Cátia Saldanha; Varela, Paula; Poudroux, Claire; Dessev, Tzvetelin; Myhrer, Kristine S.; Rieder, Anne; Zobel, Hanne; Sahlstrøm, Stefan; Knutsen, Svein Halvor (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The objective of this study was to explore the production of an expanded snack entirely based on pea- and oatrich fractions using the extrusion technology. The effect of the die temperature, HZ6 (146–175 °C) and blend ...