Browsing NOFIMA vitenarkiv by Author "Nilsson, Astrid"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Bioavailability of n-3 fatty acids from n-3 enriched foods and fish oil with different oxidative quality in healthy humans – a randomized single meal cross-over study
Ottestad, Inger; Nordvi, Berit; Vogt, Kjell Gjermund; Holck, Marianne; Halvorsen, Bente; Brønner, Kirsti Wettre; Retterstøl, Kjetil; Holven, Kirsten Bjørklund; Nilsson, Astrid; Ulven, Stine Marie (Journal article, 2016)Regular consumption of long-chain n-3 fatty acids (LC n-3 FA) reduces postprandial triacylglycerolaemia. Functional foods and supplements are alternative sources of LC n-3 FA; however, emulsification technologies, food ... -
Deposition and metabolism of dietary n-3 very-long-chain PUFA in different organs of rat, mouse and Atlantic salmon
Torrissen, Martina; Svensen, Harald; Stoknes, Iren; Nilsson, Astrid; Østbye, Tone-Kari K; Berge, Gerd Marit; Bou, Marta; Ruyter, Bente (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)There is limited knowledge about the metabolism and function of n-3 very-long-chain PUFA (n-3 VLC-PUFA) with chain lengths ≥ 24. They are known to be produced endogenously in certain tissues from EPA and DHA and not ... -
Different Dietary Ratios of Camelina Oil to Sandeel Oil Influence the Capacity to Synthesise and Deposit EPA and DHA in Zucker Fa/Fa Rats
Østbye, Tone-Kari K; Gudbrandsen, Oddrun Anita; Drotningsvik, Aslaug; Ruyter, Bente Synnøve; Berge, Gerd Marit; Vogt, Kjell Gjermund; Nilsson, Astrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Extending the Shelf Life of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) with Sub-Chilled Storage and Modified Atmosphere Packaging in Recyclable Mono-Material Trays
Chan, Sherry Stephanie; Moen, Birgitte; Løvdal, Trond Karsten; Roth, Bjørn; Nilsson, Astrid; Pettersen, Marit Kvalvåg; Rotabakk, Bjørn Tore (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Investigation of the Functions of n-3 Very-Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Skin using in vivo Atlantic Salmon and in vitro Human and Fish Skin Models
Torrissen, Martina; Ytteborg, Elisabeth; Svensen, Harald; Stoknes, Iren Merete S; Nilsson, Astrid; Østbye, Tone-Kari K; Berge, Gerd Marit; Bou, Marta; Ruyter, Bente Synnøve (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Kartlegging av restråstoff fra jordbruket
Lindberg, Diana; Aaby, Kjersti; Borge, Grethe Iren Andersen; Haugen, John-Erik; Nilsson, Astrid; Rødbotten, Rune; Sahlstrøm, Stefan (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2016)Med denne rapporten ønsker vi å bidra til en bedre oversikt over volum, sammensetning, kvalitet, anvendelse og nye muligheter for bruk av restråstoff fra norske industriell bearbeiding av cerealer, kjøtt, planteoljer, ... -
Mathverdagen for den hjemmeboende eldre i 2030 - En brukersentrert tilnærming for å skape et mulighetsrom
Grini, Ida Synnøve Bårvåg; Nilsson, Astrid; Gonera, Antje (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2020)Dagens eldre har større forventninger til livskvalitet enn tidligere generasjoner. Det å ha en aktiv og sunn aldring vil ikke bli mindre viktig for morgendagens eldre. Aldringsprosessen fører til endringer som påvirker ... -
Nordatlantiske fiskeoljer og betydning for utnyttelse av omega-3 fettsyrer
Østbye, Tone-Kari K; Berge, Gerd Marit; Krasnov, Aleksei; Romarheim, Odd Helge; Nilsson, Astrid; Hansen, Marianne Selander; Burdge, Graham C.; Irvine, Nicola A.; Ruyter, Bente (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2020) -
Nutritional Aspects of Fats and Oils
Kirkhus, Bente; Skuladottir, Gudrun V.; Lampi, Anna-Maija; Nilsson, Astrid (Chapter, 2024) -
Nutritional value of Ethyl Ester oils in fish diets: A review on their potential impact on growth and health
Lutfi Royo, Esmail; Noor, Alina; Nilsson, Astrid; Haugen, John-Erik; Kousoulaki, Katerina; Berge, Gerd Marit; Østbye, Tone-Kari K; Ruyter, Bente Synnøve (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2024)The Norwegian Pelagic sector plays a significant role in producing pelagic fish products for human consumption, including concentrated marine omega-3 fatty acids (FA) used in dietary supplements. To fully utilize fish ... -
Oxidized Dietary Oil, High in Omega-3 and Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, Induces Antioxidant Responses in a Human Intestinal HT29 Cell Line
Østbye, Tone-Kari K; Haugen, John-Erik; Wetterhus, Elin Merete; Bergum, Silje; Nilsson, Astrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)When oxidized, dietary oils generate products which have the potential to cause adverse effects on human health. The objective of the study was to investigate whether lipid oxidation products in an oxidized dietary oil can ... -
Rest Plant Materials with Natural Antioxidants Increase the Oxidative Stability of Omega-3-Rich Norwegian Cold Pressed Camelina sativa Oil
Nilsson, Astrid; Wetterhus, Elin Merete; Østbye, Tone-Kari K; Haugen, John-Erik; Vogt, Gjermund (Journal article, 2021)The quality of Norwegian cold pressed camelina oil for human consumption and fish feed production, with a special focus on plant rest materials, natural antioxidants, and oxidation products is studied. Both crude oil with ... -
The long-chain monounsaturated cetoleic acid improves the efficiency of the n-3 fatty acid metabolic pathway in Atlantic salmon and human HepG2 cells
Østbye, Tone-Kari K; Berge, Gerd Marit; Nilsson, Astrid; Romarheim, Odd Helge; Bou, Marta; Ruyter, Bente (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
The PBMC transcriptome profile after intake of oxidized versus high-quality fish oil: an explorative study in healthy subjects
Myhrstad, Mari; Ottestad, Inger; Günther, Clara-Cecilie; Ryeng, Einar; Holden, Marit; Nilsson, Astrid; Brønner, Kirsti Wettre; Kohler, Achim; Borge, Grethe Iren Andersen; Holven, Kirsten Bjørklund; Ulven, Stine Marie (Journal article, 2016)Background: Marine long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are susceptible to oxidation, generating a range of different oxidation products with suggested negative health effects. The aim of the present study was to ... -
Vil ketolinsyre (22:1n-11) fra lodde-, sild- og tobisolje føre til bedret utnyttelse av omega-3 fettsyrer?
Ruyter, Bente; Østbye, Tone-Kari K; Romarheim, Odd Helge; Nilsson, Astrid; Kristiansen, Inger Øien; Bjerke, Målfrid Tofteberg; Bergum, Silje; Berge, Gerd Marit (Research report, 2016)Fiskeoljer fra tobis, sild og lodde kjennetegnes ved et naturlig høyt innhold av den langkjedete mono-umettede fettsyren ketolinsyre (22:1n-11) og et moderat innhold av de marine omega-3 fettsyrene eicosapentaensyre (EPA) ...