Blar i NOFIMA vitenarkiv på forfatter "Galler, Martina"
Bringing down barriers to children’s healthy eating: a critical review of opportunities, within a complex food system
Varela, Paula; De Rosso, Sofia; Moura, Andreia Ferreira; Galler, Martina; Philippe, Kaat; Pickard, Abigail; Rageliene, Tija; Sick, Julia; van Nee, Roselinde; Almli, Valerie Isabelle Lengard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This narrative review revises the scientific evidence of recent years on healthy eating in children and adolescents, making sense of promising avenues of action, from a food system perspective. A conceptual framework is ... -
Capturing food-elicited emotions: Facial decoding of children’s implicit and explicit responses to tasted samples
Galler, Martina; Grendstad, Åse Riseng; Ares, Gastón; Varela, Paula (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Sensory and consumer research increasingly aims to gain direct input from children to study their eating behaviour. However, answering self-administered questionnaires can be challenging for children. In this sense, the ... -
Children as food designers: The potential of co-creation to make the healthy choice the preferred one
Galler, Martina; Gonera, Antje; Varela, Paula (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)According to the WHO, childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges of the twenty-first century. In this context, finding ways to make the healthier food choices the preferred ones can be a valuable ... -
Children’s sweet tooth: Explicit ratings vs. Implicit bias measured by the Approach avoidance task (AAT)
Galler, Martina; Mikkelsen, Emma; Næs, Tormod; Liland, Kristian Hovde; Ares, Gastón; Varela, Paula (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The study aimed to assess the application of the Approach avoidance task (AAT) with children to measure implicit motivational tendencies towards foods differing in sweetness and calorie content and to explore the relationship ... -
Co-creation of a healthy dairy product with and for children
Velázquez, Ana Laura; Galler, Martina; Vidal, Leticia; Varela, Paula; Ares, Gastón (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Children's involvement in new product development may contribute to ensure that healthy alternatives meet their wants and needs. Co-creation is a potential approach to bridge the world of the child and the grown-up product ... -
Expert evaluation of co-created snack ideas by children in two settings: Creative focus group and online platform.
Galler, Martina; Varela, Paula (Journal article, 2023)Consumer co-creation has gained popularity in innovation processes aiming to bring consumers closer to producers and service providers. In the light of current societal issues related to food behavior (obesity, non-communicable ... -
How children approach a CATA test influences the outcome. Insights on ticking styles from two case studies with 6–9-year old children
Galler, Martina; Næs, Tormod; L. Almli, Valérie; Varela, Paula (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Due to its simplicity, Check-all-that-apply (CATA) is a promising method for consumer studies with children to generate sensory and other descriptions of samples, and to find their drivers of liking. This paper explores ... -
Kitchen cloths: Consumer practices, drying properties and bacterial growth and survival
Møretrø, Trond; Almli, Valerie Lengard; Åsli, Anette Wold; Kummen, Charlotte; Galler, Martina; Langsrud, Solveig (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Kitchen cloths have an important role in maintaining kitchen surfaces hygienically clean but may also act as vehicles for cross contamination of pathogens from food spills to hands and other foods. The aim of the present ... -
Listening to children voices in early stages of new product development through co-creation – Creative focus group and online platform
Galler, Martina; Myhrer, Kristine S.; Ares, Gastón; Varela, Paula (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)To tackle current nutritional issues like obesity, it could be valuable to involve children in the development of healthy food products that they will actively chose and enjoy. The aims of the present exploratory study ... -
Methodological approaches to assess tactile sensitivity in the food context—A scoping review
Galler, Martina; Varela, Paula (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In contrast to taste sensitivity, the assessment of texture or tactile sensitivity has received relatively little attention in the food context. Texture plays an important role in food preferences and food intake, and ... -
Safe week, unsafe weekend? Consumers’ self-reported food safety practices and stomach sickness in cabin environments of varying infrastructure levels
Almli, Valerie Lengard; Galler, Martina; Møretrø, Trond; Langsrud, Solveig; Øvrum Gaarder, Mari; Ueland, Øydis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Food poisoning is a threat to health and economy across regions and living standards, with an estimated 600 million cases worldwide every year. In consumer households, water and electricity facilities are key to safe food ... -
Weight Status and Mental Well-Being Among Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Self-Perceived Body Weight. A Cross-National Survey
Fismen, Anne-Siri; Galler, Martina; Klepp, Knut Inge; Chatelan, Angeline; Residori, Caroline; Ojala, Kristiina; Dzielska, Anna; Kelly, Colette; Melkumova, Marina; Musić Milanović, Sanja; Nardone, Paola; Štefanová, Eliška; Flodgren, Gerd Monika; Bakke, Therese Wardenær; Ercan, Oya; Samdal, Oddrun; Helleve, Arnfinn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Purpose Overweight and obesity are associated with poor mental health in adolescents. However, little is known about whether the influence of overweight and obesity on mental well-being is mediated by self-perceived body ...