Blar i NOFIMA vitenarkiv på forfatter "Donnelly, Kathryn Anne-Marie"
Analysis of traceability on board a Freezer trawler
Donnelly, Kathryn Anne-Marie; Olsen, Petter (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2010)This report presents an analysis of the specific technical and organizational changes which need to be implemented in the frozen fish supply chain in order to significantly reduce the existing information loss within that ... -
Faktorer som påvirker energiforbruket hos den norske fiskeflåten
Donnelly, Kathryn Anne-Marie; Henriksen, Edgar (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2012)Energiforbruk, gjerne sett i sammenheng med utslipp av klimagasser, er en viktig miljøfaktor. Her knyttes relevant kunnskap om bærekraftig utnyttelse av fornybare fiskeressurser sammen med kunnskap om drivstoff-forbruk. I ... -
Harmonizing methods for food traceability process mapping and cost/benefit calculations related to implementation of electronic traceability systems
Donnelly, Kathryn Anne-Marie; Olsen, Petter (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2009)In recent years there has been increased focus on traceability in food supply chains. Process mapping for traceability in food supply chains is a way of describing where information which is necessary to maintain traceability ... -
Hvor kommer maten fra?
Karlsen, Kine Mari; Donnelly, Kathryn Anne-Marie; Dreyer, Bent (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2009)Krav til dokumentasjon av historien til matvarer øker. Dette har ført til at myndighetene nå etablerer strengere krav slik at informasjon om matvarene kan spores gjennom hele verdikjeden. Den norske regjeringen har satt i ... -
Identification Schemes for Traceability Systems –Inspiration and experiences?
Donnelly, Kathryn Anne-Marie; Karlsen, Kine Mari; Olsen, Petter (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2009)This report gives a brief overview of available information on the use of identifications (ID’s) in traceability systems. The main points arising form this analysis are: • Standardisation (such as standards published by ... -
Kvalitetsforbedring og miljøgevinster i norsk villfisksektor – Kvalitetsforbedring i fangstoperasjoner. Sluttrapport
Esaiassen, Margrethe; Akse, Leif; Karlsen, Kine Mari; Donnelly, Kathryn Anne-Marie; Joensen, Sjurdur; Midling, Kjell Øyvind (Research report, 2013)Gjennom erfaring, kunnskapsutvikling og effektiv forvaltning er viktige fiskebestander nå i godt hold og kvotene er økende. Utfordringen er å utnytte den gunstige ressurssituasjonen til å skape produkter som har høy verdi ... -
Process mapping; Analysis of traceability of herring, tuna and salmon
Karlsen, Kine Mari; Donnelly, Kathryn Anne-Marie; Olsen, Petter; Forås, Eskil; Senneset, Gunnar; Frederiksen, Marco T.; Alberdi, Borja; Zárate, Alberto Gonzalez (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2007)Traceability will be an immensely important subject for the food and fish industry the forthcoming years. From August 12th 2004, registration and prior notice sent in electronic form with a wealth of traceability information ... -
Sporbarhet av villfanget fersk hvitfisk for innenlandsmarkedet i Norge
Karlsen, Kine Mari; Donnelly, Kathryn Anne-Marie; Forås, Eskil (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2009)Fersk fisk har vært mye i fokus i media i de senere årene. Mange forbrukere er usikre på hvordan de skal vurdere kvaliteten på fisken. For å gi forbrukerne bedre informasjon om hvor fersk fisken er, innfører Fiskeri- og ... -
Sporing i salt- og klippfiskindustrien – utfordringer og barrierer i produksjonsprosessen
Karlsen, Kine Mari; Donnelly, Kathryn Anne-Marie (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2008)Dokumentasjon om egenskapene til maten blir stadig viktigere for forbruker, supermarkedskjeder og myndigheter. Sporbarhet er et verktøy som gjør det mulig å dokumentere og hente fram informasjon om en matvare fra en ... -
Supply chain expectations for tool to calculate sustainability of white fish products at a batch level
de Boer, Imke; Donnelly, Kathryn Anne-Marie; Olsen, Petter; Veldhuizen, Linda; Vidarsson, Jónas R.; Ziegler, Friederike (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2012)The aim of the EU project ‘Whitefish’ is to give the white fish sector the possibility to market their products with information regarding the sustainability impact of the batch to which each specific fish belongs. The ... -
Supply chain expectations for tool to calculate sustainability of white fish products at a batch level
Donnelly, Kathryn Anne-Marie; Olsen, Petter; Vidarsson, Jonas; Ziegler, Friederike (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)The food production industry has in recent years had to answer calls for environmentally friendly strategies and methods of communicating these effectively. This need is seen clearly in the fisheries sector where the ... -
Traceability of chicken – Specifications of the information to be recorded at chicken slaughter/processing establish-ments and other links in chicken distribution chains
Donnelly, Kathryn Anne-Marie; van der Roest, Joop; Karlsen, Kine Mari; Olsen, Petter (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2008)This ad-hoc standard has been created as part of the EU project ‘Trace the origin of food’ (TRACE). TRACE aims to develop generic and sector-specific traceability systems for use in the food industry. This ‘ad-hoc standard’ ... -
Traceability of honey – Specification of the information to be recorded in honey distribution chains
Donnelly, Kathryn Anne-Marie; van der Roest, Joop; Karlsen, Kine Mari; Olsen, Petter (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2008)This ad-hoc standard has been created as part of the EU project ‘Trace the origin of food’ (TRACE). TRACE aims to develop generic and sector-specific traceability systems for use in the food industry. This ad-hoc standard ... -
Traceability of Soya Beans - Specifications for the information to be recorded in the soya bean farming, handling (elevator) and processing establishments and other links in the soya bean product distribution chain
Donnelly, Kathryn Anne-Marie; Thakur, Maitri (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2009)There are increasing demands for detailed information on the nature and origin of food products. Traceability is becoming a legal and commercial necessity. This ‘ad hoc’ standard has been created as part of the EU project ... -
Traceability requirements for foreign producers wishing to use the ‘Norway’ logo
Donnelly, Kathryn Anne-Marie (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2011)In many foreign markets Norway is the preferred land of origin for seafood products. Documentation of the Norwegian origin of seafood products is therefore important for producers and exporters of seafood. Some of the fish ...