Browsing NOFIMA vitenarkiv by Author "Altintzoglou, Themistoklis"
Now showing items 1-20 of 37
Automatisk kvalitetsdifferensiering av laksefilet
Heia, Karsten; Sivertsen, Agnar Holten; Wold, Jens Petter; Ottestad, Silje; Böcker, Ulrike; Carlehög, Mats; Altintzoglou, Themistoklis; Sone, Izumi; Gundersen, Bjørn (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2012)Hovedfokus i dette arbeidet har vært differensiering av laksefilet basert på objektiv instrumentell måling av kvalitetsparametere. Farge og fargeutvikling er viktige kvalitetsparametere for differensiering, og i dette ... -
Branding Nordic Seaweed: An Applied Multimodal Perspective
Cordeiro, Cheryl Marie; Altintzoglou, Themistoklis; Rognså, Guro Helgesdotter; Govaerts, Florent (Journal article, 2022)Developments in digital infrastructure in the past decade have allowed new marketing channels and opportunities for small medium enterprises (SME). This study was designed to illustrate how a multimodal analysis approach ... -
Comparative Description and Analysis of Oyster Aquaculture in Selected Atlantic Regions: Production, Market Dynamics, and Consumption Patterns
Litembu, Johannes A.; Fitzgerald, Daniel; Altintzoglou, Themistoklis; Boudry, Pierre; Britz, Peter; Byron, Carrie J.; Delago, Daniel; Girard, Sophie; Hannon, Colin; Kafensztok, Marcia; Lagreze, Francisco; Legat, Jefferson Francisco Alves; Legat, Angela Puchnick; Michaelis, Adriane K.; Pleym, Ingelinn Eskildsen; Sühnel, Simone; Walton, William; Strand, Åsa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In the face of an increasing world population and a subsequent need for an increase in sustainable and healthy food production, low trophic species, such as oysters, emerge as a promising alternative. However, regional ... -
Consumer awareness about aquaculture in europe: a communication campaign in the FutureEUAqua project
Altintzoglou, Themistoklis; Honkanen, Pirjo (Lecture, 2022) -
Consumer intention to buy products containing fish with better welfare: the role of empathy in an extended value-belief-norm model
Govaerts, Florent; Altintzoglou, Themistoklis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Purpose A limited number of studies have aimed at understanding behavior towards animal welfare. However, there are indications that consumers make an important distinction between land animals and fish. As no studies have ... -
Consumer reactions to communication about innovative processing technologies in iNOBox
Altintzoglou, Themistoklis; Heide, Morten (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2020)The objective of this study was to reveal the influence of information about products processed with innovative processing technology (IPT) on consumers. The focus was placed on consumer perception of various types of ... -
Current and Expected Trends for the Marine Chitin/Chitosan and Collagen Value Chains
Vieira, Helena; Lestre, Gonçalo Moura; Solstad, Runar Gjerp; Cabral, Ana Elisa; Botelho, Anabela; Helbig, Carlos; Coppola, Daniela; de Pascale, Donatella; Robbens, Johan; Raes, Katleen; Lian, Kjersti; Tsirtsidou, Kyriaki; Leal, Miguel C.; Scheers, Nathalie; Calado, Ricardo; Corticeiro, Sofia; Rasche, Stefan; Altintzoglou, Themistoklis; Zou, Yang; Lillebø, Ana I. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Drivers of liking and value perception for a new apple cultivar in {Italy}
Rivaroli, Sergio; Spadoni, Roberta; Tartarini, Stefano; Gregori, Roberto; Riedel, Bettina; Draicchio, Paola; Folini, Luca; Altintzoglou, Themistoklis; Canavari, Maurizio (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Emosjoner og sjømat – Hvilke emosjonelle reaksjoner har unge voksne til sjømat?
Bergsnev, Kamilla; Govaerts, Florent; Altintzoglou, Themistoklis (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2024)Sjømatkonsumet avtar i Norge, spesielt hos de unge voksne. Tidligere forskning har vist at pris og sensoriske egenskaper er avgjørende for matvalg, inkludert sjømat. Forskning har også vist at faktorer som både tilgjengelighet ... -
Factors predicting meat and meat Products consumption among middle-aged and elderly People: evidence from a consumer survey in Switzerland
Schmid, Alexandra; Gille, Doreen; Piccinali, Patrizia; Bütikofer, Ueli; Chollet, Magali; Altintzoglou, Themistoklis; Honkanen, Pirjo; Walther, Barbara; Stoffers, Helena (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017) -
Farmed fish as a functional food: Perception of fish fortification and the influence of origin – Insights from Portugal
Ribeiro, Ana Ramalho; Altintzoglou, Themistoklis; Mendes, Júlio; Nunes, Maria Leonor; Dinis, Maria Teresa; Dias, Jorge (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019) -
Franske forbrukeres oppfatning av fersk og tint filet fra torsk
Heide, Morten; Altintzoglou, Themistoklis; Carlehög, Mats; Nøstvold, Bjørg Helen (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2011)Resultatene fra dette prosjektet viser at informasjon om ferskhet er meget viktig for hvordan franske forbrukere evaluerer torskefilet. Dette støttes av resultater fra forbrukertest, måling av effekter ved merking av fisk ... -
Guilt-free pleasures: how premium and luxury influence regret
Lyons, Sarah Joy; Wien, Anders Hauge; Altintzoglou, Themistoklis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Healthy living, nutrition and food waste in the Barents region
Rautio, Arja; Piippo, Sari; Pongrácz, Eva; Golubeva, Elena; Soloviev, Andrey; Grini, Ida Synnøve Bårvåg; Altintzoglou, Themistoklis; Helgesen, Hilde (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2017)The Nordic Council of Ministers through the Arctic Co-operation Programme 2015-2017, funds «Healthy food and lifestyle in the Arctic». Researchers at NIBIO - Department of Economy and Society, and Nofima has collaborated ... -
Hva påvirker sjømatforbruket blant unge voksne i Norge – Betydningen av matlagingsferdigheter og kunnskap
Heide, Morten; Honkanen, Pirjo; Altintzoglou, Themistoklis (Nofima rapportserie, Research report, 2023) -
Hybrid Surveys: A Method for the Effective Use of Open- Ended Questions in Quantitative Food Choice Surveys
Altintzoglou, Themistoklis; Sone, Izumi; Voldnes, Gøril; Nøstvold, Bjørg Helen; Sogn-Grundvåg, Geir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Identifying consumer openness to new ingredients: A conjoint study on consumer segments in the UK
Altintzoglou, Themistoklis; Heide, Morten (Journal article, 2023)The aim of this study was to explore consumer acceptance of food products that make use of ingredients from underutilized marine species. As these species are not commonly used as ingredients in food products, a goal of ... -
Influence of the involvement in food waste reduction on attitudes towards sustainable products containing seafood by-products
Altintzoglou, Themistoklis; Honkanen, Pirjo; Whitaker, Ragnhild Dragøy (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This study sought to uncover how consumers’ first associations and attitudes are influenced by involvement in food waste reduction and if this can be explained by consumer personality characteristics. This study investigated ... -
“It gives me peace of mind”. A new perspective on the identification of quality cues on salmon fillet products in Japan and the USA
Altintzoglou, Themistoklis; Cordeiro, Cheryl Marie; Honkanen, Pirjo; Onozaka, Yuko (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The way in which perceived quality affects consumer food choice is complex due to variations in intrinsic and extrinsic product attributes that interface with personal factors and the socio-cultural context. Taking the ... -
Marine Bioactive Peptides in Supplements and Functional Foods – A Commercial Perspective
Dragøy, Ragnhild; Altintzoglou, Themistoklis; Lian, Kjersti; Noriega Fernández, Estefanía (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Many bioactive peptides have been described from marine sources and much marine biomass is still not explored or utilized in products. Marine peptides can be developed into a variety of products, and there is a significant ...